This post is all about how to stop a dog from pulling when seeing another dog.
One of the most frustrating things is when a dog pulls on the leash. Leash pulling can be so bad that you might even want to stop taking your dog for a walk.
In this post, you'll learn from a dog trainer exactly what to do to stop your dog from pulling, especially when they see another dog, bike, car or person coming.

How to Stop a Dog from Pulling When Seeing Another Dog
When a dog pulls in only some scenarios, like seeing another dog, the other dog would be what is called a "trigger." This means that when the dog sees, smells or hears another dog, they have been conditioned to react a certain way, therefore "triggering" a response.
While seeing another dog is a very common trigger, people, cars, bikes and scooters can also be triggers for some dogs. And, dogs can have more than one trigger.
The response that the dog gives when they see their trigger is a way for the dog to get what they want. In other words, if a dog pulls because they see another dog and want to go greet the other dog, it is because they've learned that if they pull, you will take them over to see the other dog. Therefore, they've learned a way to get what they want.
Your dog might also using the pulling and lunging to resolve their fear. They might do this because they learn that if they act aggressively and pull on the leash you will remove them from the situation. Therefore, resolving your dog's fear.
One of the first things you'll need to address with your dog's leash obedience is why they are pulling. There are several reason that a dog might start pulling on the leash. It could be one or more of these reasons:
1. They don't understand leash pressure and only know how to give an oppositional pull response.
2. They have learned that pulling is an acceptable behavior.
3. They lack impulse control.
4. They want to greet another person or dog
5. They are demonstrating aggressive and dominant behaviors towards their triggers.
If your dog is exhibiting any behaviors of aggression or dominance, like growling, raising their hair, showing their teeth or lunging, it is best to get help from a professional dog trainer as there are many variables that need to be addressed.
How to Stop Leash Pulling in 5 Minutes
Loose leash walking can be super simple if you start to implement a few changes! Take a look at this post for Loose Leash Dog Training in 3 Simple Steps.
How to Teach Dog to Greet Other Dogs Calmly
One of the best ways you can get your dog to stop pulling on the leash when seeing another dog is to not let your dog meet every dog that they see.
If your dog learns to greet every dog they pass, they will learn to pull on the leash.
So, teaching your dog a leave it command is super important in this scenario.
How to Teach Leave It
Many owners proudly show how their dog can do a leave it command for a short amount of time. They will put a treat on the ground and tell their dog to leave it. Eventually, they give the dog the treat, or tell the dog "okay" to release the dog and give permission to get the treat.
However, if you do this exercise, you are only teaching the dog to leave it for a little bit. If they can do that, then they will have access to the temptation.
What you should do instead:
Throw a few treats on the ground. Tell your dog to leave it. As soon as they leave it, reward them with treats from your hand or pocket. NOT with the treat on the ground.
Never let the dog have the treat on the ground. Give them several treats to show them that even though they want that treat on the ground, if they look at you, they will get even more treats.
In other words: your dog giving you attention is a better deal for them.
Pretty soon and with enough practice, you'll be ready to take this exercise outdoors and instead of treats on the ground, use people, other dogs or cars as the trigger. Tell your dog to leave it. When they do, understand that they have given up something that they want because YOU asked them to.
So PAY your dog for their good behavior! Show them that they made the correct decision and that YOU have the value. You can give praise, treats or perhaps even throw a frisbee or play a game of tug to reward your dog.
My Dog is Out of Control on Walks
Once you've completed all the steps from the leave it exercise, and started to work on your loose leash heel in your driveway, you should be ready to move to working around the block, in the park or even outside of a dog park!
The greatest exercise you can do for your dog is to go to a dog park but stay outside of the dog park. Let your dog calmly watch other dogs play, but make sure that you're at a distance where YOU are the most valuable thing.
Ask your dogs for obedience commands. Remind your dog to leave it when necessary.
How to Stop Strong Dog from Pulling and Lunging
The point of any tool we use is to not have to use it. If you are constantly using your leash, it might be time to consider a different tool or consult with a professional dog trainer.
Want to learn more about how to stop your dog from pulling? Schedule a free over the phone consult with a professional dog trainer now!