In this post you'll learn exactly how to stop a dog from nervous peeing. As a dog trainer, former vet assistant, and 5x foster dog mom, I have met a lot of scared and nervous dogs. My most recent foster was notorious for nervous and submissive peeing whenever we gave her attention and it was beyond
Dog Blog
Most Important Tip for Training Two Dogs at Once
Training two dogs at once can quickly feel overwhelming. Asking one dog to stop jumping while you ask the other to sit can feel like there must be an easier way. As a dog trainer, and the owner of two dogs, I've learned a few tricks for working with two dogs. In this post, I'll teach you how to
Dog Training for Reactive Dogs | 6 Secrets from a Dog Trainer
As the owner of a formerly reactive dog, and a dog trainer who has worked with hundreds of dogs on this issue, the one thing I can confidently say about dog training for reactive dogs is there is no one-size-fits-all solution. But don't let that frustrate you! I've collected 6 of the most common
4 Things We Love About the Heather’s Heroes Sidekick Leash
When I first heard of the Sidekick leash by Heathers Heroes, I was immediately drawn to the innovative design!I gave the Sidekick Leash a try for my 60 pound high-prey drive pitt-mix, and I was pretty impressed. Now, as a full time dog trainer, I utilize several different tools, including the
Puppy Eats Too Fast! 16+ Ways to Help Your Dog Eat Slower
When your puppy eats too fast, it can feel a little alarming and almost like they are starving! Even if you do feed them an adequate amount. This post will give you so many ideas for making dinner time less adrenaline-filled for you and your puppy.You'll learn so many creative ways to slow your
My Two Dogs Keep Fighting | 7 Tips for a Peaceful Household
Help! My two dogs keep fighting!! What can I do? This is a very scary situation to be in. Take a deep breath and explore this article. In this post, we'll go over why two dogs might be fighting and what you can do to help create a more peaceful household. This post does not replace professional dog
Dog Bites Fingers When Taking Treats | Stop Teaching “Gentle” and Show Your Dog How to Take Treats Calmly
This post is all about how to fix dog bites fingers when taking treats.Some dogs are just so eager about food that they can't help but try to take a big chunk of food (and fingers) when you offer them something good to eat. The trick to fixing this behavior is not teaching your dog an "easy"
Simplest Beginner’s Guide for Using an E Collar for Dog Training
This post is all about using an e collar for dog training. An e collar can give you and your dog more consistency, freedom, and quality of life! When I first saw trainers using e collars on youtube, I was instantly interested! Yet also equally terrified. I knew this tool could help my dog, but I
How to Use a Slip Leash
Learn all about how to use a slip leash with your dog in order to stop leash pulling for good! The slip leash is one of the most introductory dog training tools there is. A slip leash offers a low amount of pressure to help your dog what you're expecting of them.In this post, we'll review how to use